I am in a new book about burlesque. You will buy it.

There is a new, fabulous book out and I am featured in it! Both in text, and a very snazzy picture.

It is Michelle Baldwin’s “Burlesque and the New Bump-n-Grind.”

The book also features many friends of mine, and a lot of Myspacers, like: Kitten on the Keys and Eva von Slut, and my dear friend Nico. Also pictured in it are Mia More andAnna Bells. So is my cousin, in a crowd shot!!

The book itself is really well done. And I’m on page 104. 🙂     (For anyone who doesn’t know, I’ve performed with many burlesque acts, and have been a part of the modern burlesque movement for a few years.)

Check it out at Amazon or your local bookstore. Or better yet– contact SUZY and order a copy directly from her, she ships right away and she gets a small percentage so help her out. Incidentally, it’s Suzy’s legendary backside that graces the front cover.

So here it is– and contact Suzy to get your copy!!!

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