I need your (quick!) vote.

I’m entered in the Viva Las Vegas burlesque contest, and I need your votes to help make it into the finals! To vote, go to the Viva Las Vegas site, then click the “Burlesque competition” link. Then… VOTE FOR THE MONKEY. Or just use this link to go directly to the voting page. It logs IP addresses to prevent blatant ballot stuffing. But I hope you will all vote for me anyway to help put me in the finals, which are in Vegas in March. Thanks! -Gorilla X, Gorilla to the Stars


Why does this always happen to ME?

Last night, I was on my way home, and decided to stop for a slice at Mystic Pizza at about 10pm. As I was sitting there quietly munching my slice, some random scruffy stinky homeless guy came in, ignored the other five people there, and then beelined straight to me. Triumphantly, he pulled a fresh, clean white t-shirt out of nowhere and handed it to me, exclaiming: “THERE! Now that leaves just one more, for the ski team!” I expected him to ask for money for the shirt but he didn’t– instead, he just bolted, never to be seen again. I left the t-shirt there, by the way. Anyway, those of you who know me, know that I’m a magnet for this stuff. I don’t really understand why, but it does seem to always happen to ME and not other people.

Amusing cubicle exercise

From a guy on the Familyhood list… This has had us in stitches at work. << -This is soooo stupid but true…and it’s going to drive you crazy! While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there’s nothing you can do about it!>>

Dumbest conversation of 2003

This weekend, I had the pleasure of running into a guy who was responsible for the Singlemost Stupidest Conversation I’ve had in all of 2003. In fact, it is probably the dumbest conversation I’ve had in the entire new millennium, without any others even coming close. So I shall now share it with all of you, so that you can see that there are indeed people out there who defy the odds against their own survival. I shall refer to him as “Keanu” because he not only looks like Keanu Reeves, but also talks like him, and seems to channel him very well. The conversation, if it could even be called that, went like this: Keanu: So where did you grow up? Mig: San Diego. Keanu: (incredulously, as if some major connection had been made) REALLY?!? (pause)… I dated a girl from San Diego once. end of conversation. What’s great is that my friend Ryan, also from San Diego, has had the exact same conversation with this fellow.